Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Are you lost?

It's been a week since my last entry here, so here I am. Been listening to the tracks from Bon Jovi's latest album, Lost Highway. I personally think this is one of their better albums in recent years. The songwriting is pretty good and I could connect and relate with many of the album's track lyrics. My personal favourites would be (You Want To) Make A Memory and Till We Ain't Strangers Anymore (feat Leann Rimes).

There's an MTV of (You Want To) Make A Memory found here. Enjoy.

Lost Highway's Track Listing;

1. Lost Highway
2. Summertime
3. (You Want To) Make A Memory
4. Whole Lot Of Leaving
5. We Got It Going On
6. Any Other Day
7. Seat Next To You
8. Everybody's Broken
9. Stranger (feat. Leann Rimes)
10. The Last Night
11. One Step Closer
12. I Love This Town


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Autobots! Transform and roll out! - Optimus Prime

Come 28th June 2007, this highly anticipated live action/CGI adaptation of the cartoon series Transformers from the 80's will make its opening on local cinema screens.

Being a fan of the cartoon series (Well I'm an 80's baby after all) this is really one of those movies I've been anticipating for a very long time. Thrill me or disappoint me, come 28th we'll see. The Transformers brings back so many childhood memories, namely crying non-stop for a couple of days after witnessing the death of Optimus Prime in the original movie. I can still remember how my mom couldn't understand how some cartoon with robots made me cry. Come on guys, don't tell me the sight of Prime turning all charcoal black and then his head lifelessly falling to one side didn't touch you. It was like watching my greatest hero die. Yes that very same hero you thought invincible and could never perish. Try telling a 6/7 year old its only a cartoon.

And the toys... Don't even get me started on them. Everybody wanted Transformers toys. And back then, yes even back then they weren't cheap. I don't remember having even one. Oh well. Prime to moon base 1 : "Reserve me 2 tickets for 28th June @ GCS 1 Utama. Thank you. Autobots, transform and roll out!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It survived that single lone post below...

Well here I am, just past midnight and somehow suddenly got this annoying itch to scribble something here. Either just to prove to myself that I wouldn't abandon this blog as I have the rest, or plainly genuinely wanting to contribute something to this space. I don't really know, but here goes.

*Takes deep breath*

Received my offer letter of permanency at CSA CSC, after 6 months of working here as a contract staff. High turnover rate in the department and the trouble associated with hiring new network analysts and training them finally moved or rather pressured the management to convert the rest of us guys to permanent. A welcomed increment came with this conversion to permanency and thanks to that, its been difficult wiping this silly retarded-looking smirk off my face since then till now. Yes, I'm happy. Very. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating.

Compared to my previous job in which I was the Software Trainer (official designation), Support Analyst, Software Tester, Systems Admin, Network Admin, Client Account Manager, tukang sapu/mop lantai (okay I'm exaggerating).. well yeah I was exploited and made to do anything I was competent at. And they paid me peanuts. Living alone in PJ, paying for room rental, car, petrol, phone bill, streamyx bill, digi bill and whatsoever other bill I can't recall right now, my 6 months with that first job was difficult. At times I'm amazed I didn't resort to pulling and munching on the grass growing outside the house I lived in. Like seriously. Would've been so much cheaper to grow 2 hind legs and go "Moooo".

All that being said.. I have approximately 6 hours 30 minutes till shift ends at 7.00am. Well come morning, my 4 days off begins. And the usual question each time this period of the week arrives, "What do I do with myself over the next 4 days?". I guess it'll be me being the lonesome cowboy this week and I foresee a couple of nights at Fuel Up D'sara Uptown chuggin' beer..Mmmm

Desperately fighting the urge to close my eyes right now, which is probably what drove me to post something on the blog in the first place. Now, I'll have to look for something else to keep me occupied till morning. Minesweeper?!

Signing off, and hoping there'll be more to come,


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

5th of June 2007

..hence the blog was born

And don't ask me why its called 'Artificial Stupidity'.

Not a first, neither is this a second ladies and gentlemen. This is blog No. 3

Let's hope this third incarnate of my so-called online venue of crap that goes through my nonsensical mind survives more than just a couple of half-hearted posts. Heck, I'd be surprised if this one survives even a 2nd post. Keeping my fingers crossed, and we'll see what happens. Cheers!